When you’re at a gathering with family, your uncle begins to talk about his most recent US Gold Bureau reviews. Everyone’s ear perk up. Why? Why? It’s like a shiny object, which everyone wants but does not fully understand.

Gold is not just a precious metal. It can be an emotion, status symbol and even life-saving. People often use gold as a safety blanket when the stock markets are on rollercoasters. Gold is a timeless commodity that has always been valuable, like a friend who will always have your back.

Here’s why you should consider adding some glitter in your portfolio.

It is the Swiss Army Knife of investment. It is multi-purpose. It can serve many purposes. Gold’s value is independent of any government or company, unlike paper money. When everything else goes haywire, it’s like you have an ace in your sleeve.

Imagine that you’re preparing a fruit-based salad. When you have only apples, and one of them goes bad you are left with a less varied and tasty salad. Even if only one apple is bad, you still have a variety of other delicious fruits and vegetables. Gold will add a little extra flavor to any investment salad.

You’ve probably heard of the old saying, “Don’t put all your eggs on one basket”. Gold investing is like spreading the eggs in multiple baskets in case any of them fall.

Let’s discuss accessibility. Investing is gold is not as complex as brain surgery. It’s more like cooking spaghetti–simple, but effective. If you prefer to have something tangible in your hands, you can invest in physical gold coins or bars. ETFs allow you invest without the need for a physical vault.

Remember that gold storage requires planning, including security and insurance. This is not something you want under your mattress, unless it’s for an audition on “Hoarders.”

Online platforms allow you to buy fractional gold shares without having to touch it. It’s like having a piece of the Mona Lisa, but without worrying that someone will steal it from your home.

But don’t forget the mining stocks! Investing into companies that mine gold is another way to gain exposure without having to buy the metal directly. It is a riskier option, but it can also yield higher returns if you do it right.

Remember grandma’s saying “A penny is earned when it’s saved”? Gold is like saving pennies that will eventually grow to dollars.

But wait! Not even the yellow metal itself is foolproof. Prices can fluctuate depending on factors like geopolitical tensions and changes in interest rates. It’s important to invest in gold but don’t put your entire life savings on the line.

I’ll tell you a little story. A friend of mine once told me how he purchased gold jewelry believing he was investing in the future, only to discover later that he paid far more than market value because of workmanship fees! Moral? Do your research prior to making any precious metals purchase.

To summarize (not literally), gold has many benefits, from providing a stable store of value for turbulent times to allowing diversification within an investment portfolio.

You’ll have plenty to say next time someone brings up investing at the family dinner.

It’s important to remember that all that shines may not be pure profits, but it sure can sparkle brightly with clever moves!