Imagine yourself about to enter Amazon’s massive marketplace hoping to hit gold. Just one problem: you don’t know where to start. To find those nuggets of gold, you need to do thorough Amazon product research. Let’s discuss how digging deeper could transform your humble quest into a treasure-trove of opportunities.

Amazon can be thought of as a bustling market with millions upon millions of goods. Imagine walking around this enormous marketplace. You’d find it exciting and overwhelming. The simple stroll will not do. You have to stroll smartly and watch out for the diamonds in rough.

Have you ever heard “Don’t judge a cover by its content?” When sizing up products, this phrase is a great guide. The product may look like it’s worth a lot of money, but once you open the box, flaws can be revealed faster than a squirrel climbing a tree. To find out more, you should dig deep into the reviews of customers. Investigate what customers are saying – the good, the poor, and even the ugly. These reviews may be as informative as a flashlight on a foggy evening.

Then, avoid getting sucked in to the black holes of niches that are highly competitive. If you are trying to sell pencil cases with lions on them, but everyone else is also selling the same thing, then good luck! You should instead look for unsung heroes. These are the products which fly under the radar, but generate some buzz. Consider unicorn-shaped staplers. They may be less competitive but have an increasing demand.

Remember Icarus? Flying too close to the Sun caused a spectacular fall. It is also possible to burn yourself by pricing your products excessively high, which will cause buyers to turn around. Keepa or CamelCamelCamel can be used to spy on your competitors’ prices. Play smart. Do not be greedy, but remain competitive.

Hold on! Consider seasonal trends. The popularity of cozy blankets and fireplaces increases when winter arrives. Sales can soar if you jump on the trend at the perfect time. Google Trends will help you to detect seasonal shifts.

Now let’s discuss numbers. It is often in the details but also in the numbers that the devil lies. Pay attention to margins, Amazon charges, and hidden fees. Helium 10 gives you an easy way to crunch numbers.

Here’s an interesting personal note: My friend found gold with quirky kitchen appliances. As she browsed the average daily sales, her friend discovered that custom cookie cutters are on the rise. It wasn’t the usual cookie cutters. Instead, they featured emojis and other fantastical creatures. She used data in order to maximize this niche. The rest is, as they often say, history.

Some people find it difficult to wade through endless amounts of data. The magic happens here. Think of yourself as the modern-day “treasure hunter”, with data as map and analytics for shovel. Start by analyzing the average daily searches and sales. These metrics are a great way to uncover untapped business opportunities.

What about the bestseller rank? Amazon has a little secret that whispers which products are selling well. Low BSR can often translate into higher sales. Examine the sales velocity as well.

Visualize that your product is a single tree in a large forest. If your product is a twinkling Christmas tree, then it will stand out. The right images, descriptions and bullets can turn your product into a shining jewel among a sea that is monotonous.

Engage the audience with Q&A. It’s almost like holding a mini interrogation. What are they looking for? What benefits do they want? Here are some answers that can help you refine your offering.

Let’s finish this session off with a quick zinger. Keep your market-research tactics up to date. Keep up with the changes in the marketplace. It’s like a chameleon dancing on a rainbow. While you travel through the vast marketplace, remember these pointers. Enjoy your treasure hunting!